The chilling levels of terror that is going to unfold if not checked RIGHT NOW at a very fast pace can be gauged by this comparison of the modus operandi of training for such modules.
We have all heard that in the neighboring nation, ex army people are training the so called militants who unleash terror in various ways.
Look at the similarity of this event unfolding through the investigations in the Malegaon case. You find an Indian army guy, in service, doing just the similar thing here in India - if the investigation allegations are to be believed.
If the similarity of these two events click in your head, you see that at the ground level, the radical youth see how the militants across the border are functioning, and they are trying to replicate that model here.
Now look at the location where this seems to have originated. SIMI and Abhinav Bharat are 2 of the organizations that have been blamed so far. Both have roots in the central state of MP.
Does this mean, that the cops and intelligence in the state there are NOT aware of the simmering heat and smoke signals such activities generate?
Is M.P. becoming a hot bed of such 'criminal' activities today, esp. also because there has been a huge influx of youth from the rural parts of other states into MP given it's 'education center' tag?
Is this kind of a situation even being considered by the cops there or they are under severe political pressure to perform to the tune of the politicians and thus ignore such happenings?
In my opinion it is not possible that the intelligence and cops are not aware of this. They are aware but they are probably under some pressure from somewhere to keep quiet about it.
But if the converse is true, that if the cops are really unaware of this ground level activities of these groups when they were formed, then it is a matter of highest level of shame (if we Indians have retained the meaning of being ashamed)
- that all of us are living our lives disconnected from everything but our own selfish pleasures.
- that we common people have taken our life and our system and our degrading existance for granted and are willing to die like insects esp. in a nation which seems to have a more evolved existence in the past. (it does not mean we have to only rest on our past laurels but it shows that we don't care about our individual worth in the present)
- that all of us are no longer considering ourselves as part of this nation, but each of us is an island unto ourselves with our super Egos and our mis-conceptions and out pre-conceived notions.
- that we are just living the lives of those chaotic soap bubbles that get formed when water is agitated, only to burst up and die out - without trying to really live to our full capacities of our human form and function.
Unfortunately, this is what the terrorists are making of their own lives and spreading the cancer in all societies, esp. the ones like India where there is high vulnerability, helplessness and utmost corruption in the governance and everyone is living in their own world uncared about what happens around them - till it happens to them.
Only then they pay a little attention.. and then they get into their daily grind...
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- Saptagiri-Shrikant
- Indore, Bombay, Maharashtra, India
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